What is ND YAG Laser Tattoo Removal?
Laser tattoo removal treatment. – also called laser surgery and laser skin rejuvenation. – is a low-risk option with minimal side effects. A licenced doctor removes the tattoo by using nd yag laser machine.
The tattoo removal machine breaks up the pigment colors of the tattoo. Laser works on skin precisely by red aiming beam. 1064nm nd yag tattoo removal laser destroy the tattoo.
Different colors need different laser tips and parametres. A 1064 nm Nd:Yag Q-Switched laser is for black and blue tattoo. 532nm yag laser treatment tip is for red and brown tattoo.
The laser selectively targets and removes the tattoo without damaging the surrounding tissue. Laser tattoo removal healing process decreases scarring. Most tattoos do require a series of treatments. It depends on how deep and what color is the tattoo.

ND YAG Q-switched laser technology
Tattoo removal machine uses ND YAG Q-switched laser technology. It is the procedure of a specific type of fast and powerful pulse treatment. Nd YAG laser removes tattoo ink without harming surrounding skin tissue.
Nd YAG Q-switched laser is the only method for removing the tattoo without any scar. There are 2 kinds of Q-switched lasers on the market. Single rod and Double rod. Double rod Nd YAG Q-switched laser energy is 2 times higher than a single rod.
Double rod Nd YAG Q-switched laser energy is up to 2000mj. Single rod Nd YAG Q-switched laser is 1000mj. Double rod laser tattoo removal is more effective. Single rod also works but need more times treatment.
The laser tattoo removal machine VA-402 is double rod nd YAG laser. The energy is up to 2000mj and frequency is 10Hz. The laser tattoo removal procedure is effective and fast. Nd YAG laser tattoo need 1 to 3 times for tattoo removal treatment.

How did laser tattoo removal machine work?
The Tattoo is made up of many particles of ink pigment suspended in the skin. In the tattoo removal procedure, The nd YAG laser handpiece passes the energy to the target inks. The YAG lasers destroy the ink in the skin cells into a much smaller particle size. Your immune system clear the tiny particles out of the body.
The tattoo needs a different wavelength to clear all the color. No single laser wavelength can remove all tattoo colors. Usually, we use 1064nm and 532nm to treat tattoo colors.
Every tattoo ink pigments have very specific light absorption capabilities. Skillful using 1064nm and 532nm could remove almost all types of tattoos.
What can nd yag laser tattoo removal machine do?
These 1064nm lasers specialize in the treatment of pigmented lesions of the skin and tattoos. Pigmented lesions are simply discolorations of the skin. and these lasers are very effective in treating those. They are also clinically proven to work well in tattoo removal treatment.
Laser tattoo removal is not the only function for Nd YAG laser machine. It can do laser skin rejuvenation also. Laser skin rejuvenation is also called laser carbon facial.
Laser carbon facial treatment cover carbon gel on the face. The carbon absorbs the nd yag laser.

Difference between picosure laser and q-switched ND YAG laser
Nd YAG q-switched laser and picosure, which one is better? Tattoo removal laser machines are safe and effective. We will answer the question from these points:
Safety: Which tattoo removal is safer?
Speed. Which is the safest tattoo removal laser?
Health: Which laser is good for my skin?
Cost: Do I need to pay a lot for tattoo removal treatment?
Main difference:
- Q-Switched Laser has a different wavelength. 1064nm, 532nm, 1320nm and 755nm. It is more effective at targeting certain colors of ink than picosecond laser.
- The Q-Switched Laser is less likely to be a painful treatment than Pico laser.
- Pico laser tattoo removal treatment is more expensive than Q-switched laser.
- There is not enough evidence on which laser is more effective or faster at removing tattoos.
- The Pico Laser is more likely to cause skin damage, scarring, burning, and blistering compared to the Q-Switched Laser.
Nd YAG Q-switched laser and picosure, which is the best?
The 2 popular tattoo removal machines that are currently being used: the Q-Switched Laser and the Pico Laser.
What is picosecond laser and how it works?
Picosecond laser technology is new for ink tattoo removing. There is too much hype around picosecond laser.
We all know Q-Switched lasers pulse width is nanosecond level. While the pico laser declares to be picosecond level. It means, a Pico Laser fires 1,000 times faster than a Q-Switched laser.
Pico laser increases the amount of heat that is penetrating to the body. Picosecond laser seems to be a more aggressive procedure than Q-switched laser.
The mistake you hear from pico laser
Too much hype about picosecond laser is not true. Some manufacturers, beauticians, and clinics are enlarging the result of Pico laser. There is no clinical evidence.
There is evidence to prove the mistakes. Please check.
Academy Journal artical
Mistake 1: Pico laser needs fewer treatments than Nd Yag q-switched laser.
It is not true. The main factors affect the treatments as below.
- Person’s health
- Immune system’s ability to absorb broken down ink, and
- What the tattoo ink is actually made of
- Tattoo years.
Mistake 2: Pico laser is more effective than ND YAG Laser
Incorrect. Nd YAG Laser is a technology which has been proved effective for ink tattoo removing. Pico laser is most likely less effective in removing all shades of the tattoo.
Mistake 3: No side effects of picosecond laser treatment.
The reality is just the opposite. There are many stories of people getting severely burned and scarred from Pico Lasers. Pico laser treatment has a larger risk for side effects.
Mistake 4: Picosecond laser is faster than Nd YAG q-switched laser.
It is not true. The factors for the speed of laser treatment:
- The frequency of the laser
- How skillful is the operator